Cement is the most common type of building material. It’s made from a mixture of sand, clay, and water that’s heated until it becomes a liquid. Cement is then mixed with other materials to create different types of concrete. Concrete is used to build roads, buildings, and other structures. In this post, we’re going to publish cement price in Bangladesh.


Cement is made from a mix of clays, sand, and other minerals. The clays are heated until they reach a liquid form. The mixture is then poured into molds to create the desired shape. The sand is then added and the cement is allowed to set.

Cement is one of the most commonly used building materials in the world. It is a mixture of sand, gravel, and other ingredients that are put together to form a hard, durable substance. Cement is often used in construction because it can be poured quickly and it provides a strong foundation for buildings. There are many different types of cement available on the market, each with its own unique properties.



Why Cement is Most Useful in Construction

Cement is not only one of the most useful building materials, but it has a long history and many beneficial properties. Cement is composed of a number of ingredients, including water, lime, and sand. The application of heat and pressure transform these ingredients into a hard substance that can be used to construct buildings or other objects.


When properly mixed and applied, cement create strong bonds between the particles in the mixture. This makes them very strong and reliable materials for construction purposes. Cement also has a low water absorption rate, which means it does not require much water to set (a common problem with other building materials).

Cement offers many benefits for both builders and homeowners. By using cement in construction projects, homeowners can avoid dealing with water damage or other repair issues later on.

How to Choose the Best Cement While Buy?

When choosing the best cement for your project, there are a few factors to consider. The first is the type of cement you need. There are several types of cement, each with its own properties and advantages. The next consideration is the weight of the material you’re building with. Cement typically weighs around 2.2 pounds per cubic foot, so a heavier material will require more cement to hold it together.

  • When choosing a cement, it is important to consider the purpose for which it will be used. There are many different types of cement available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.
  • Some factors to consider when choosing a cement include the type of construction required, the climate where the project will be located, and the budget.
  • Cement can be classified according to their physical properties, such as water absorption or compressive strength. It is also important to consider the compatibility of the cement with other materials used in a project.
  • Once you have determined your needs and priorities, choose a type of cement-based on these criteria. Cement manufacturers offer numerous products designed for specific applications, so do not be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure about which one to choose.

Finally, consider the climate where you’ll be using your cement. Different types of cement are better suited for different climates, so be sure to research which one is best for your location.

Cement Price in Bangladesh – Today Price

Bangladesh’s Cement Industry is worth more than BDT 1,000 crore and exports to countries like India and Sri Lanka. The sector employs over 50,000 people directly and around 2 lakh indirectly. In 2017-18 the cement industry registered a growth of 5.4% over 2016-17 despite global economic slowdown.

Model Price
Seven Ring Cement৳ 495
Holcim Strong Structure Cement৳ 520
Supercrete Cement৳ 495
Premier Cement৳ 485
Bashundhara Cement৳ 500
Holcim Water Protect Cement৳ 625
Shah Cement৳ 490

The country’s production capacity is around 22 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) but only 10 MTPA are in operation due to low domestic demand. The government has been trying to revive the stagnant sector by implementing several schemes like setting up purpose-built cement factories, increasing import duty on cement, relaxation of import restrictions on finished products from India, etc.

Despite a recent drop in the global cement market, demand for the product in Bangladesh is still high. This is because the country has a number of infrastructure projects that need to be built, as well as increasing population and economic growth. The cost of cement often determines how quickly these projects can be completed.

In Bangladesh, the price of cement averages around $80 per metric ton, which is considerably lower than in other countries in Southeast Asia. This is due to the low labor costs and abundant supply of semi-finished materials. In 2014, the government announced plans to increase production by 50 percent over the next five years in order to meet rising demand.

বাংলাদেশে সিমেন্টের দাম – Today Price

বাংলাদেশের সিমেন্ট শিল্পের মূল্য 1,000 কোটি টাকারও বেশি এবং ভারত ও শ্রীলঙ্কার মতো দেশে রপ্তানি হয়। এই সেক্টরটি প্রত্যক্ষভাবে 50,000 জনের বেশি এবং পরোক্ষভাবে প্রায় 2 লাখ লোকের কর্মসংস্থান করে। বিশ্বব্যাপী অর্থনৈতিক মন্দা থাকা সত্ত্বেও 2017-18 সালে সিমেন্ট শিল্প 2016-17 এর তুলনায় 5.4% বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে।

দেশের উৎপাদন ক্ষমতা বার্ষিক প্রায় 22 মিলিয়ন টন (MTPA) কিন্তু কম অভ্যন্তরীণ চাহিদার কারণে মাত্র 10 MTPA চালু আছে। সরকার উদ্দেশ্যমূলকভাবে নির্মিত সিমেন্ট কারখানা স্থাপন, সিমেন্টের আমদানি শুল্ক বৃদ্ধি, ভারত থেকে তৈরি পণ্যের আমদানি বিধিনিষেধ শিথিলকরণ ইত্যাদির মতো বেশ কয়েকটি প্রকল্প বাস্তবায়নের মাধ্যমে স্থবির খাতকে পুনরুজ্জীবিত করার চেষ্টা করছে।

বৈশ্বিক সিমেন্ট বাজারে সাম্প্রতিক পতন সত্ত্বেও, বাংলাদেশে পণ্যটির চাহিদা এখনও বেশি। কারণ দেশটিতে অনেকগুলি অবকাঠামো প্রকল্প রয়েছে যা নির্মাণ করা প্রয়োজন, সেইসাথে জনসংখ্যা বৃদ্ধি এবং অর্থনৈতিক প্রবৃদ্ধি। সিমেন্টের দাম প্রায়ই নির্ধারণ করে যে এই প্রকল্পগুলি কত দ্রুত সম্পন্ন করা যেতে পারে।

বাংলাদেশে, সিমেন্টের দাম গড়ে প্রতি মেট্রিক টন প্রায় $380, যা দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ার অন্যান্য দেশের তুলনায় যথেষ্ট কম। এটি কম শ্রম খরচ এবং আধা-সমাপ্ত উপকরণের প্রচুর সরবরাহের কারণে। 2014 সালে, সরকার ক্রমবর্ধমান চাহিদা মেটাতে আগামী পাঁচ বছরে 50 শতাংশ উৎপাদন বাড়ানোর পরিকল্পনা ঘোষণা করেছিল।

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