Cucumber Smoothie Recipe. Smoothie is a thick drink made from fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, ice cream, ice cubes and sweets. There is no pair of glass of smoothie to keep the body’s need for water and nutritional value intact in hot weather. A delicious glass of smoothie has many qualities at once, so it can be called balanced drink. Let’s take a look at the delicious smoothie recipe.


Benefits Of Cucumber

Cucumber is extremely beneficial for both skin and health. Cucumber keeps the body cool. Cucumber can help keep you cool, specially in hot weather. It will not only reduce your weight, but also meet the body’s need for water. These foods are low in fat and low in calories. So, this food helps to reduce body weight. Also, cucumber is considered a good source of phosphorous, zinc, calcium and other minerals. Cucumbers are rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium, which help in lowering blood pressure. Cucumber also helps prevent dehydration. It is important to keep cucumber in the diet to remove toxins from the body. So today we will tell you the recipe for making cucumber smoothie, which can give you a little relief from this intense heat.

  • simple cucumber smoothie
  • cucumber smoothie ingredients
  • cucumber yogurt smoothie
  • cucumber smoothie benefits
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Ingredients For Making Refreshing Cucumber Smoothie

  • Two cucumbers
  • Two tablespoon of honey
  • One and a half cup of sour yogurt
  • A handful of mint leaves
  • Half cup ice cube
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice

How to make cucumber smoothie

  1. To make cucumber smoothie, first remove the cucumber skin and grate it.
  2. Then put the crushed cucumber in the blander and add ice cubes, yogurt, honey, mint leaves and lemon juice. Bland until well blended.
  3. When ready, pour the cucumber smoothie into the glass.
  4. Then garnish each glass with mint leaves. Than serve.


If you like salty smoothies, you can use bitumen instead of honey. You can also use maple syrup after honey. You can also add sweet apple as you like.

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